Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Motion Capture

This is a collection of 30 second fully animated commercial pieces ( created for a Rooms To Go sports campaign.
As Visual Effects Supervisor and Animator, Diego Torroija was provided with some concept animatics from the client to add to his roll. Diego's team was commissioned to produce a motion capture shoot using Viacon Motion Capture cameras. In some cases, three characters were used at a time.
We worked with David West, a great friend of the studio, as well as other amazing artists and talent from Orlando.
We also collected c3d data from the set, which we then converted to 3d Studio Max Character Studio by using bip. scripts in Motion Builder.
We modeled, bound, and rigged all characters in less than a week. The stadiums and finished comps took about two weeks to be completed.

Hi I am Diego I hope you enjoyed our article

Let me know if you have any questions?

Diego Torroija
Visual Effects Supervisor, Motion Graphics Designer

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