Sunday, October 24, 2010


I am building some CG plates for a local movie named "Cassadaga". We are working on replacing the actors' limbs with special fx ones. The whole gag takes place inside a very low light situation and is very creepy and cool :)
We are going to rotoscope the green screen legs and add some computer generated blood. The 3d tracking is very limited, but, with the help of the visual effects team at Two Door FX ( ) things are running smoothly.
We are compositing and animating in 3d and 2d (muscle flashes and 3d particles for debris etc.).

Rooms To Go with Cindy Crawford

Rooms To Go (RTG) is ready to launch their new "Cindy Homes" campaign for Cindy Crawford. I am doing a series of setups in Adobe After Effects in order to repurpose some of the footage they have shot using green screen furniture. For more info go to