Monday, September 27, 2010

Texture Magazine Article about Two Door FX

Diego Torroija of Two Door FX, a corporation that specializes in animation
and visual effects, is also no stranger to high-profile projects. After working
as a freelance game animator for companies such as Activision and producing
games including Tony Hawk, KellySlater: Pro Surfer, and Spiderman,
Torroija started Two Door FX in Lake Mary. Here, he began working on
projects including music videos for Smash Mouth and helping to design
the functionality of the projection system of the Wizarding World of
Harry Potter ride at Universal Studios.“I moved from Los Angeles to Central
Florida because I felt it was a more suitable environment to raise a family,”
he says. “The schools in the area, such as Full Sail, provide me with trained
individuals that I can hire to keep the business growing. This helps keep
a constant flow of energetic and motivated artists looking to create
something and build up their skills.” Staying current on the latest
technological trends is no longer a location-based issue, either. “Since it
is constantly changing, there is always a need to stay on top of technology,”
says Torroija. “Trade shows and training classes online have been a helpful
resource. I also read about new hardware and technology through usergroups
and from colleagues. While on projects, we have the ability to
talk about the latest advancements in the field.”
The company is currently developing the next advertising campaign for
Rooms To Go, which is a sports related, 3-D computer-animated series of spots.
“We are using full-body motion capture technology captured from optical
infrared cameras,” explains Torroija. “This gives us the ability to capture live
performances to create 3-D animation data. Two Door is currently one of the
only companies that can provide this service in the southeast.
“Another aspect that is exciting for Two Door specifically is that we
can bring many Los Angeles clients to the Central Florida market, and
maintain the highest level of quality at affordable southeast rates.”

Diego Torroija
Director-FX Supervisor-Designer
Two Door Productions
1025 Greenwood Blvd., Ste #175
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Studio: (407) 833-8602

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Motion Capture

This is a collection of 30 second fully animated commercial pieces ( created for a Rooms To Go sports campaign.
As Visual Effects Supervisor and Animator, Diego Torroija was provided with some concept animatics from the client to add to his roll. Diego's team was commissioned to produce a motion capture shoot using Viacon Motion Capture cameras. In some cases, three characters were used at a time.
We worked with David West, a great friend of the studio, as well as other amazing artists and talent from Orlando.
We also collected c3d data from the set, which we then converted to 3d Studio Max Character Studio by using bip. scripts in Motion Builder.
We modeled, bound, and rigged all characters in less than a week. The stadiums and finished comps took about two weeks to be completed.

Hi I am Diego I hope you enjoyed our article

Let me know if you have any questions?

Diego Torroija
Visual Effects Supervisor, Motion Graphics Designer

CG Shot and Breakdown

CG Plane and Hand Breakdown

CG Plane and Hand Break Down: Please leave a comment so I know people are watching, have fun.

When I got the plates they were very different in quality and scale. The DP uses the same focal length and angle, so an A and B switch was needed in order to match the frame with the two camera moves. I ended up building a CG hand with SSC, textures, realistic lighting and a DC3 Plane with reflections from the sky plate to match the frame.
I then used the 3D elements (rendered in 3D Studio Max) and composited it in Adobe After Effects to blend with the live action plate. In the comps I color corrected and added some heavy noise to the 3d layers to match the live action footage.

The basic skills used in this piece where Motion Graphics, Visual Effects, 3d modeling, Animation, compositing :
For more info please go to For more info go to